Paigham-e-Pakistan: Background and Foreground

Usman Ayub
10 min readMar 27, 2024


The esteemed scholars have issued a unanimous decree against terrorism under the name “Message of Pakistan (Paigham-e-Pakistan)” in the form of a book, which bears the signatures of more than 1800 scholars. This book has been published by the Institute of Islamic Research. A conference was held in Islamabad under the leadership of the President of Pakistan, attended by the scholars and government representatives, regarding the national statement. The decree declares terrorism, bloodshed, suicide attacks, and armed struggle against the state, regardless of their name or purpose, as forbidden (haram), and suggests ways to tackle these issues according to the recommendations of the scholars. The significance of this decree lies in the fact that it has been unanimously approved by a large number of scholars and muftis of all sects, and then endorsed by the state as a national statement.

Due to incorrect foreign policies or the uncontrollable elements for the past several years in Pakistan, there was a high level of insecurity and unrest. After the formation of the government, terrorism and insecurity increased further. The quality of terrorism, insecurity, and unrest had posed a threat to the safety of the beloved country, Pakistan’s economy was staggering, and many valuable lives had been lost. The domestic situation was chaotic, Pakistan’s international image had been tarnished, and our neighbors were taking advantage of our weaknesses. In such circumstances, an alarming incident occurred, which shook everyone. This incident, the Army Public School attack, resulted in the martyrdom of children, teachers, and other staff members. The pain of the innocent lives lost was felt by the entire nation, and this tragic incident united the entire nation against terrorism. To confront and defeat terrorism, the entire nation stood united with strong determination. In fact, in order to overcome the challenges facing the beloved country, such unity and consensus were necessary.

Following this incident, the state devised a National Action Plan to deal with terrorists and their facilitators, various operations were carried out to break the backbone of terrorists, scrutiny of bank accounts was intensified, the registration system of weapons and identity cards was tightened, strict monitoring of media and social media was conducted, and the counter-terrorism agency, NACTA, was strengthened. Alongside all these practical measures, a theoretical struggle against terrorists was also waged. In this regard, the services of the esteemed scholars are highly commendable. The scholars issued decrees and statements against terrorism, provided religious support to counter the terrorists using verses, hadiths, and phrases, and clarified the correct interpretation and context of these texts to the public. The peace-loving scholars’ efforts against terrorism are invaluable. Many distinguished scholars lost their lives in this war. After the individual efforts of these scholars, now this collective and unanimous decree has been issued, which is indeed a very commendable step to declare it a national statement and make further efforts in this regard.

In our context and given the specific circumstances, efforts are made only to deal with those situations. Undoubtedly, any effort usually begins in specific situations and contexts, but it is important to establish it on such solid foundations that we do not have to face such situations again. This is the essence of true scholarship. Just as our efforts against terrorism need to be consolidated on a permanent basis, so that we can establish lasting and sustainable peace instead of temporary peace and provide good opportunities for future generations.

Various scholars and intellectuals are offering their views on what can be done in this regard. I would also like to express a few opinions.

End of Sectarianism:

Various efforts are required to eliminate terrorism. One such effort is to eliminate sectarianism. Sectarianism refers to any grouping or faction that is engaged in constructing negative sentiments against other groups and promoting extremism. Whether this grouping is based on religion, language, provincialism, or any other aspect, it needs to be eradicated. Because we need to become a nation whose aspirations, desires, priorities, and interests are uniform. Only then can we progress and confront our enemies.

While it might not be possible to completely eliminate sects and groups, we can create a peaceful environment through tolerance, respect, and acceptance. There are certain aspects within sectarianism that, if addressed, can reduce its intensity:

  1. There are harsh fatwas and indecent language against each other in the books and literature of different sects. Even those who are devoted to their sects may find it difficult to act upon these fatwas wholeheartedly because isolating oneself socially to the extent that one is only restricted to activities related to their sect is a very challenging task. Although such fatwas based on extremism may be impractical and socially unacceptable, theoretically, they serve as a means to foster extremism and animosity towards others in any sect. Not only do they serve as better weapons for opportunistic scholars, but they also pose a significant barrier to scholars striving for moderation and promoting peace. It is necessary to put an end to such fatwas now that the time has come, and support for those who rely on theoretical justifications for such fatwas should also be terminated. Moderate and sincere scholars and jurists of every sect can be enlisted to determine which fatwas fall into this category. If moderate scholars of all sects unite to eliminate such fatwas, we can prevent the spark that can ignite the destructive fire of violence at any time.
  2. Some of Maulana Maududi’s writings contained statements about certain personalities that, on the surface, seem disrespectful and intolerable for anyone with religious sentiments. As Muslims, our sentiments regarding personalities should indeed be like this, but if we bring these sentiments into the realm of law, perhaps such issues can be resolved more effectively. Qazi Hussain Ahmed removed such content from Maulana Maududi’s books. Qazi Sahib was a brilliant personality, and this act was a significant achievement alongside his other political and religious endeavors. Many people within the group strongly opposed this, but Qazi Sahib proceeded with his courageous decision.

Qazi Hussain Ahmed’s action had the benefit of presenting Maulana Maududi’s personality in its true light. Taking a few points from him, opponents had concealed many beneficial aspects of his personality. Qazi Hussain Ahmed closed the door for such people, and presented Maulana Maududi as an unparalleled thinker to the world. Now, whoever talks about Maulana Maududi will likely engage in intellectual discussions. The series of ridicule and derogation, or useless debates, has ended, although some people are still engaged in digging up old controversies.

Similarly, if representatives of every sect pay attention to ending such statements from their predecessors, we can promote a good tradition. Identifying such expressions is not a difficult task. Various books and debates by scholars of different sects are available on them. Removing such content from the writings of central figures in one’s sect is undoubtedly very difficult. Perhaps it can even be called impossible. It creates many problems, as it raises doubts about the credibility and trust of the people in the sect. However, as much as it is necessary for the elimination of mutual hostility and extremism, it is equally necessary for fruitful research in scientific advancement and conversational environments. Conversational environment has been replaced by argument and debate. Its conclusion leads to mutual competition rather than benefits, creating tension in the environment and belittling each other. Conversation about useful scientific research may have ceased for some time now, and in such circumstances, scientific progress may become a dream and a mirage.

  1. Sectarian differences that have been going on for a long time have taken the form of enmity and competition, where intense hatred and animosity towards each other are found. It is essential and certain that misunderstandings arise in such situations, not just from others but from oneself. Instead of determining someone’s perspective, we build entire structures of hypothetical cases on it. In such cases, the emergence of misunderstandings is essential and certain. Betrayal may also be involved in these misunderstandings, but initially, after the initial betrayal, it becomes a part of the mind and develops into thoughts that are not thoroughly examined, and such thoughts continue to pass down through generations. These misunderstandings can occur in political, social, and religious issues of all kinds. The most common misunderstandings occur in the understanding of others’ expressions and theories. Every sect invariably appears to say in the criticism they receive that their views were not considered with seriousness and thoughtfulness but were taken to constitute betrayal by adopting meanings from them. This is not only the case today but from the very beginning, we can find many examples of such accusations in the disputes of various sects. There is a need to create a conversational environment where people from different sects can come closer to each other and dispel mutual misunderstandings. In this conversational environment, market scholars and professional debaters who are inclined to belittle each other and prove any kind of wrongdoing should be kept away, and serious and peaceful scholars should be given an opportunity.
  2. Restrictions should be imposed on such writings, speeches, processions, and debates that increase mutual hatred and create tension in the environment. Various training courses and workshops should be organized to improve the mental and moral level of such scholars and debaters. Attention should be paid to the contemporary issues and challenges of Islam to enhance the abilities of these scholars so that their skills can be used for the betterment of society. What challenges and problems does Islam face in the modern era, and what are the issues of the Muslim Ummah? In the current era, at what stage has the competition beyond religions reached? And then, the perception of religion and its repetition in the present forms of degradation and rigidity, the scholars of the Ummah should be aware of it. For this, teamwork is required, and individuals should be created who can train scholars in these lines.

End of Private Jihadist Groups

In the current national statement adopted by respected scholars, it has been emphasized that jihad is solely the right of the state; no one is allowed to declare jihad within the state without the state’s permission, and without the state’s authorization, no one can engage in jihad. It is essential to ensure practical implementation of this statement, and after this fatwa, it is necessary to eliminate all similar fatwas that provide shelter or strengthen the ideologies of terrorists. Individuals or groups involved in such activities need to be brought under national law. If such individuals participate in politics or perform beneficial deeds, we should encourage them. However, strict legal action should be taken against those who prepare people for private jihad or provide any kind of assistance to such individuals, and the organizations declared defunct should not be allowed to operate under any other name. It is the responsibility of respected scholars to eliminate the theoretical support of such individuals so that they cannot argue based on texts that they misunderstand or use them to indoctrinate others, leading them astray.

Keeping an Eye on International Policies and Other Countries:

Another major reason for terrorism in our country is the interference of other countries. People from other countries who provide refuge for their vested interests contribute to this issue. According to a report, Iran is the largest supporter of Shia groups in Pakistan. Whether it’s Iran, Saudi Arabia, or any other country, these people support various sects or organizations in the name of religion and obtain political benefits from them. People associated with various sects in Pakistan are still involved in organized militant activities supported by Iran or Saudi Arabia, and this motivation is purely based on religious beliefs, going beyond the state’s interests. It is necessary to control such elements and their supporters.

Similarly, terrorism has taken the form of a business globally. Countries like the USA invest in organized groups, considering it as a business. Intentionally or unintentionally, strict attention should be paid to extremist organizations and groups that emerge as a result of their policies. European and Western countries, to the extent they invest in destabilizing Pakistan’s ideological borders, need to realize the consequences of their actions.

Respected scholars unanimously state that it is essential to sensitize the nation that becoming part of armed struggle in another country in the name of Islam, disregarding geographical boundaries, is against Islam and falls under the category of treachery. It is obligatory for Pakistani citizens to adhere to the commitments made in the constitution and not violate this covenant in the name of aiding foreign groups because doing so would be against Islamic teachings.

State Policies:

The most crucial necessity is that state policies should be entirely transparent and in accordance with national and international laws and treaties. In the Islamic world, we should condemn incidents of oppression and excesses in various Muslim countries at a political and diplomatic level. However, not only should we refrain from providing military support at a state level anywhere in the world, including Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine, etc., but we should also take strict punitive action against individuals or organizations in our country engaged in armed struggle in those areas, and behavior promoting extremism should be discouraged, not encouraged.

Social and Societal Reforms:

For the eradication of terrorism and the establishment of a peaceful society, justice is essential in religious, economic, societal, legal, and all areas of life. It is crucial to be aware of the issues created by continuously neglecting the rights of some classes in society. Individuals and groups living lives of despair and deprivation can resort to any extreme for their petty interests, so it is necessary to alleviate their grievances by granting them rights. In our country, a large number of people at religious, economic, societal, legal, linguistic, and provincial levels not only feel despair and deprivation but are also becoming a powder keg whose explosion will have intergenerational consequences. Therefore, not only do we need to listen to the complaints of these people with a cool heart and mind, but we also need to provide them with equal rights. In matters of deprivation, special consideration should be given to religious minorities and people from small and underprivileged provinces and regions.

Similarly, effective and serious measures should be taken for the eradication of terrorism, lawlessness, and crimes, namely poverty alleviation and empowerment. Along with this, formal policies should be formulated to promote traditional games, cultural festivals, music, drama, and other recreational activities so that a healthy and prosperous society can be established, free from frustration.



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