Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Al-Juhani’s Friday Sermon at the Grand Mosque: Prayer is the Pillar of Religion; Whoever Maintains It, Maintains Their Faith | 02–08–2024

Usman Ayub
3 min readAug 3, 2024


(02–08–2024) In his Friday sermon at the Grand Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Abdullah bin Awwad Al-Juhani led the congregation and began by urging the faithful: “O people, fear Allah as He should be feared, and be conscious of Him as those who know that He sees and hears. Hold firmly to the strong rope of Allah, and prioritize what lasts over what perishes. The Hereafter is everlasting, while this world is fleeting. Seek what is with Allah, for what is with Allah is better and more enduring for those who believe and rely on their Lord.”

He added, “In this era filled with trials, tribulations, hatred, and resentment, Muslims desperately need to strengthen their connection with Allah to overcome the factors of corruption and the calls of destruction. The strongest and closest connection to Allah is through prayer. Prayer penetrates deep into the soul and conscience, purifying from impurities and immoralities. It helps the Muslim resist their desires and the devil, and it is a means of thanking Allah for His countless blessings. It is obligatory for the Muslim to show submission and servitude to the Beneficent Lord by performing the prayers He has prescribed, expressing gratitude to Allah, acknowledging His Lordship, and recognizing His grace and bounties.”

Sheikh Al-Juhani emphasized that prayer is the highest pillar of religion. He stated, “Whoever maintains it, maintains their faith, and whoever neglects it, will be even more neglectful of other obligations.” He cited the Quran: “Guard strictly your prayers, especially the middle prayer, and stand before Allah with devotion” (2:238) and “Indeed, prayer prevents immorality and wrongdoing” (29:45). He pointed out that after the testimony of faith, prayer is the greatest pillar of Islam, mentioned 67 times in 28 Surahs in the Quran. Sometimes Allah commands its establishment and performance at its prescribed times, saying, “Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times” (4:103). Other times, He praises those who perform it and promises them rewards, while condemning those who abandon it and outlining their punishment.

Sheikh Al-Juhani urged the congregation to fear Allah and perfect their prayers, saying, “Perfect your prayers, and Allah will perfect your conditions. Be calm in your bowing, prostration, and the sitting between the two prostrations, for a lack of tranquility invalidates the prayer. Those who pray without tranquility are among those whose efforts are wasted in this life while they think they are doing good. The essence of prayer is humility and submission, its foundation is pondering over the recitation while standing, and reflecting on the glorification in bowing and prostration. Due to the importance of prayer, it is never waived for the sane adult under any circumstances, nor can it be delegated or substituted, and there is no excuse for neglecting it even in times of battle. Those who maintain prayer in congregation are testified to have faith, and whoever abandons it in the wilderness or village has been overtaken by Satan.”

In conclusion, Dr. Al-Juhani advised the worshippers: “Obey the commands, avoid the prohibitions, and instruct your children and families to perform and maintain prayer, for you are responsible for them. Prepare sufficient provisions for the Day of Resurrection, and do not be deceived by worldly life or deluded about Allah. May Allah make us among those who repent and return to Him, forgive us by His grace and generosity, and protect us from the severity of the reckoning.”



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