The Glorious Ten Days Have Begun: Dr. Al-Budair
Translation of the Friday Sermon at the Prophet’s Mosque by Sheikh Dr. Salah bin Muhammad Al-Badr on March 29, 2024
His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Salah Al-Budair in his Friday sermon: These radiant and pure ten days have begun, this venerable, adorned, and magnified Night of Decree is approaching. So exert your efforts, stay awake, turn your face and heart towards Allah, the Most High.
After praising Allah, he began his sermon by saying: “O fasting ones: Your month has passed its early days, its ends have appeared, its beginnings have gone, and its rings have closed. Your guest is about to depart for departure and transition, so seize its remnants before its days vanish and its tents collapse. Indeed, the loser is the one deprived of squandering the season of gifts and blessings, and who neglects the month of blessings and mercies. How great is his loss of trade, share, and how immense is the calamity upon him.”
O fasting ones: Blessed are those who recite the Quran and act upon it, blessed are those who give to the needy and enrich them, blessed are those who fast and refrain from harming others, blessed are those who enliven the nights of Ramadan with prayers and safeguard their fast from sins, blessed are those who hasten in goodness and desire obedience, and strive to increase in good deeds, fearing the loss through death.
Allah has praised the people of faith with the best attributes and greatest deeds, including hastening towards goodness, diligence, and desire for obedience. He, Almighty, said: “They are not all the same; among the People of the Scripture is a community standing [in obedience], reciting the verses of Allah during periods of the night and prostrating [in prayer]. They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and hasten to good deeds. And those are among the righteous.” And He praised Zachariah, his son, and his family for this, saying: “Indeed, they used to hasten to good deeds and supplicate Us in hope and fear, and they were to Us humbly submissive.”
He continued: There are ugly things that one should avoid, such as being sluggish in obligations and duties, being lazy in acts of obedience, rushing towards prohibitions, and competing in committing sins. So, O one indulged in sins, isn’t it time for you to repent? O heedless one of your Lord’s remembrance, how long will you remain veiled? O one oblivious of this month, O one engrossed in its distractions, O one who procrastinates, hurry towards this noble month, approach the Generous Lord, rid yourself of lethargy and slackness, and repent for your negligence and sins. Seek repentance while the door is still open, turn to Allah as long as there is time, rectify your heart, soul, and spirit, for success belongs to those who strive and race, and failure befalls those who lag behind while returning to their Lord.
He emphasized: O servant of Allah: Hasten to repent from your sins, and be cautious of neglecting, and abandon your sins before the appointed time, for Allah accepts the repentance of the repentant and forgives the slips of those who return.
He concluded his sermon by saying: O servant of Allah: These radiant and pure ten days have begun, this venerable, adorned, and magnified Night of Decree is approaching. So exert your efforts, stay awake, turn your face and heart towards Allah, reach your goal, and exert your efforts. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to strive hard in worship during the last ten days of Ramadan more than at any other time. He also used to tighten his waist belt (i.e., work hard), stay awake at night, and wake his family up for prayers. Let us rise in these blessed nights with humility and earnestness, and increase in seeking forgiveness and repentance. Surely, your Lord loves to see His servant humble, needy, and seeking forgiveness before Him. So, show submission and humility before Him, and rely on His grace and mercy with your words and deeds. Whoever is touched by the mercy of his Lord, Master, and Protector, attains immediate and eternal happiness. O Allah, awaken us from our heedlessness and grant us success in the month of mercy.